A game where opposing teams use either electric, gas, or spring powered replicas of real guns, to propel a small diameter ball-bearing(BB) at the opposing team. These replicas use varied weight bbs as ammunition, with each weight giving a different effect on the range, speed, and accuracy of the shot. The replicas can be upgraded by opening it up, and changing various parts in order to achieve the effect desired. Most fields have an FPS limit, usually 400fps for automatic and semi-automatic firing replicas, and 500fps for single-shot bolt action rifles.
*Packages starting at $37.95 per player
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Our goal is to provide the best paintball experience each and every visit for our guests.
Using the sport of paintball, we help you and your guests create lasting memories that are sure to spark a return visit in an attempt to capture that “Fun Factor” adrenaline rush that helps us all put a smile on our face.